IMPORTANT: We only deliver in JERSEY, Channel Islands on orders over £75. Free collection always available from any of our shops.

Single Use Plastics etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Law 2021 now in effect.

Bring Your Own Bag

On Thursday 21st July 2022 the Single Use Plastics etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Law 2021 comes into effect. It means Islanders will no longer be issued with single use carrier bags, and will be charged at least 70 pence per reusable bag.

The new Single Use Plastics Law supports Jersey on its path to being a more sustainable place to live and work. It aims to reduce waste and encourage people to reuse their bags over and over again. From this date, traders providing a reusable bag must, by law, charge at least 70p.

Our Dunell’s branded recyclable paper bags now fall into the new banned category (less than 170gsm thick) and so although we have until January 2023 to use any current stock up (and can provide them to you free of charge) we now have reusable Dunell’s tote bags available for sale at £2.00 each. We do still have the option of providing used cardboard boxes which are available free of charge (subject to availability) at all three shops. You are therefore encouraged to bring your own bag on all shopping trips from 21st July as we don’t actually have a large supply of our paper bags left.

This will represent a huge shift in the way we shop in Jersey as we are encouraged to use reusable bags not just in the supermarkets but in all shops.
Dunells Tote Bag

Deliveries - important

All gift items, individual bottles etc will be delivered in used cardboard boxes from now on (or until all paper bags have been used up). Please therefore be mindful if ordering a gift to also purchase a gift bag, box or giftwrapping otherwise the goods will be delivered plain and loose in a previously used cardboard wine box. 

You can find more information on the gov.je website.

Our New Tote Bags - Available for £2 each and can easily fit 6 bottles of wine. Great for all shopping trips!

Please note this is our cost price and we are not profiteering from these bags.